Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Violation of School Rules and Regulations Essay

Violation of School Rules and Regulations - Essay Example Come to think of it, all results to its inclusion and not exclusion of cocaine as evidence to her case. Apart from academic deficiency, the violation of school rules is another ground for denying a student's re-admission, his right to stay in school until he graduates not withstanding. Prof. Jacinto D. Jimenez explained- The objective of every institution is to search for the truth, to preserve the truth and to communicate the truth. The proper education atmosphere is necessary for the attainment of this goal. The disruption of the proper academic environment hinde4rs the accomplishment of the mission of every school. Because of this a school has the inherent authority and duty to preserve order and to discipline students. When a student has proven himself morally unfit to participate in the search for the truth, the school may impose upon him the extreme penalty of expulsion. The investigating committee or official designated by the school authorities to hear and decide the case must base the decision only on evidence or testimony presented and heard by both parties. The decision should not be predicated on matters not presented to the parties particularly the respondent-student or else this would constitute a denial of due process since the student did not have the chance the allegations made.. In the case of De Jesus vs. Penberthy, a school decision to impose the penalty of expulsion was overturned by the court because the school board considered evidence on a charge which was different from

Monday, February 10, 2020


SCHOLARLY VS POP MEDIA FOCUS ON SEXUALITY PAPER - Assignment Example Scholarly article on sexuality Goicolea, I., Torres, M., Edin, K. & Ohman, A. (2012). When Sex is Hardly About Mutual Pleasure: Dominant and Resistant Discourses on Sexuality and its Consequences for Young People's Sexual Health. International Journal of Sexual Health, 24(4): 303-317. The scholarly article visualizes sexuality as a gendered discourse. The authors indicate that the fact that sexuality takes a gendered perspective, both the men and women are affected differently in the long run (Goicolea et al., 2012). The study involved an inclusion of various groups in the society such young women, service providers, common and activist young men in Ecuador (Goicolea et al., 2012). These groups had varying responses touching on their sexuality especially in terms of satisfaction after the act. The authors used interviews to collect information as well as focus group discussions with the members involved (Goicolea et al., 2012). After collecting the relevant information, women argued that they were out to remain respectable individuals; the service providers were keen to assess the women’s sexuality, while the women felt threatened and less protected from the men (Goicolea et al., 2012). ... Women therefore develop a negative conception not only about sex, but also sexuality in general. The study allowed the researcher come up with conclusions between the independent and dependent variables. The researcher also used correlation research to examine the relationship between variables to explain their sexual relationship to the research participants to test the hypothesis. Additionally, the researcher attempted to provide in-depth information concerning the relationship between the variables. This was mainly used to reduce biasness in research conducted, and to enable generalization of the findings. Human sexuality can then be described as one that is multi-dimensional, and its understanding entails deliberating on different perspectives and ideas concerning sexuality. Popular media articles on human sexuality –a magazine Narins, E. (2013, September). The First Thing a Guy Notices About You. Women’s Health Magazine 1. Retrieved September 29, 2013. Sexuality in popular media is presented in different forms like the magazines, videos, films, and internet web sites. Mass media exposes children and adolescences to sexuality, which makes them likely to be exposed to sexuality. The magazine by Narins (2013) targets the women group in the society. The author is keen to quote that the women need to do a lot to get a man’s attention at first glance. With the use of a portrait, the magazine is quick to advise the women to keep their skin clear, have a nice smile, do their hair properly as well as check their weight (Narins, 2013). Additionally, the breasts of a woman matter, their height, sense of style, their butt and legs (Narins, 2013). This ensures that the women